Purple Potato and Pico Pancakes with Eggs
Purple Potato and Pico Pancakes with Eggs

Purple Potato and Pico Pancakes with Eggs

Ninja Express Chop NJ100

Ninja Express Chop NJ100


Naira recently bought an inexpensive Ninja Express Chop (NJ100).


Purple potatoes

Purple potatoes

We had some purple potatoes in the fridge.

Purple potatoes are inherently dry, starchy, earthy and slightly nutty in flavor.

Some hash browns and eggs sounded pretty good.

Hmmm. It seems the Ninja is better at mincing and pureeing than chopping.

Minced purple potatoes and pico de gallo.

Minced purple potatoes and pico de gallo.

So be it – throw in some Pico de Gallo as well and mince away!

The plan had changed: Purple Potato and Pico Pancakes with Eggs.

Put a small dollop of olive oil in a small frying pan and lay down a layer of the potato and pico mixture about a quarter inch thick. Cook on medium high heat until the the pancake lifts easily from the pan. Flip the pancake (throw it up out of the pan and catch it with the pan – try it, it’s easy!).


It doesn’t look all that appetizing, but we’ll worry about that when plating!

Fry a couple of eggs over easy (or however you prefer) and lay on top of the pancake. Sprinkle with more Pico de Gallo.

Purple potatoes and pico de gallo with eggs

Purple Potato and Pico Pancakes with Eggs

Next time we will sprinkle with a bit of grated Monterey Jack cheese, add a dollop of low-fat sour cream on the side, and then garnish with Pico.

Get ready kids, this stuff is great!

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