Random Observations of Life on Life's Terms

In so far as our perceptions, desires, personal experiences and most importantly, our expectations form the illusion of free-will, I found a certain patina of humility beneath the varnish of my arrogance.

Now, while I am still perceived by many as verbose and imposing unnecessarily, I know it is no longer my arrogance driving the impressions others may have of me: it is the requirement of transparency that validates my capacity to serve others, while still somewhat disfigured by habits born of fear and greed and jealousy and lust and whatever else you might care to throw into the soup of arrogance that all of us, from time to time, mistakenly presume protects us from our insecurities.

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. “
– Albert Einstein

Einstein is a personal hero, not for his fame, but for his intellectual integrity and deep humility. I have read much about his life and love that particular quote.

One of my recurring nightmares when I was an executive of a fabrication company could be considered a corollary. I call it the Affinity Principal. It stipulates that most people will try to solve problems based on how they have solved problems before.

Imagine a picture puzzle that could be correctly put together in two or more ways. Most people will consistently choose the image with which they are most familiar.

Preconception and frame of reference hinder meaningful dialog, as each person translates what is conveyed into an understanding they already possess.

Nevertheless, I will continue to convey an alternative and provocative point of view about the intimate relation between our expectations and how they form the perceptual basis for most people’s personal illusion of reality, and how illusions deprive us of the full measure of joy we might scrape from the honey comb of life.

When reading or discussing spiritual matters, the level of metaphysical expression I have experienced is, in my mind, little more then fluffy ontology regardless of how infused it is with genuine love and celestial light.

One of the strengths of the foundation for Spiritual Equilibrium is,

“If you can fix it, don’t worry about it and if you can’t, don’t worry about it!

The exact orderliness of absolute reality has a way of imposing new perceptions over time, which I lovingly refer to as the lessons learned when forced to live life on life’s terms.